
In an ever changing world we are losing track of who we are, our past and what we believe in. We start to search, wondering lost amid the confusion. 

Well it’s time to regain your creative self and we’re going to help you do this! We talk, we walk, we create. 

We offer the space to explore & learn, find inspiration & re-charge people’s batteries. Through guided workshops, mentoring, connections with other creatives, start-ups, social innovators who are being, doing and acting in the countries that we visit.

The iamadventures are designed to offer the space needed to gain your focus, beliefs, confidence, creativity & inspiration; but also and perhaps more importantly to give something back to yourself and to a community of like-minded people.

Through the development of “human potential”, we can experience an exceptional quality of life filled with happiness, creativity, and fulfilment. As a consequence, those who begin to unleash this assumed potential often find themselves directing their actions within society towards assisting others to release their potential.

And so we strive to not only help individuals with their personal potential but through doing this we will also bring about positive social change at large.

iamadventures aims to bring people together, to explore, learn and be inspired through guided activities and through each other. We work with communities to help preserve their stories and ethos and allow it to evolve in a positive way into the future.

Here’s to many adventures to come!!

Are you an adventurer? A writer? A blogger? 

We would love to hear about your adventures and feature them on our Adventure Stories posts. If you’ve got a story to share please email info@iamadventures.com with a bit about what you want to say, some photos and a paragraph or so telling us who you are.


adventure time, iamadventures

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